មេរៀន/បទវិចារណកថា Lessons/Articles

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4 comments on “មេរៀន/បទវិចារណកថា Lessons/Articles
  1. I thank God. And I would to thank this page that I can get more know for My Faith.

  2. Elizabeth says:

    Thank you for everyone for work hard to make it up. it is so helpful. many lesson that i can learn from. i love all of these books.

    May God bless you all have more idea to make more books. i trust you are doing the right books fore us. because all this books have full meaning. Thank you.

  3. Cheang Senghong says:

    It’s a great help for me as i have looked these kinds of Article in Khmer for along time already. I would like to say thank you Lord and thank you for this website 🙂

  4. Ly Sophal says:

    លោកគ្រូ តើមានមេរៀន ឬ សេចក្តីអធិប្បាយអំពីពិធីណូអែលដែរឬទេ?

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